

As winter comes

The darkness of winter is upon us. The night sky has claimed our days for now. The bleak, sleety days are a promise of lighter days to come, with crisp snow covering the landscape. During the advent month we long to cuddle up, and keep warm and cozy in the beautiful Icelandic countryside.

At this time of year many of us modern people feel the primal urge to to catch our own Christmas sustenance from nature’s bounty. In autumn, many Icelandic hunters search for ptarmigans, a traditional dish for Christmas Eve celebrations. Maybe what attracts is as much the good company, long walks in all weathers and camradiere of a memorable mountain experience as the opportunity to bring food to the table. Sóti Lodge has welcomed it’s first group of hunters this autumn – but we still have openings for those who want to experience a hunting weekend in Fljót.

The Icelandic Advent

Already, Christmas decorations are lighting up towns and homesteads. Many of us are planning how best to ensure that our Christmas season brings us joy, peace and happiness. Many Icelanders have traditions that set the stage for Christmases repeated. Such traditions can be a comfort in an ever changing world; the security that comes with hanging up cherished decorations, following the same agenda, and enjoying the same holiday meals can be important. Also, it gives us all an opportunity to relive the pure joy we felt as children at this time of year.

In Iceland, the Advent has become as much of a celebration as Christmas itself.  The anticipation has become the anticipated. While we wait for Christmas, we have more freedom to explore new exeriences, enjoy cultural events and visit new places.  Advent visits to other countries have become popular among Icelanders in the past years. However, it is not necessary to travel far to enjoy a beautiful, rural experience at the edge of Iceland.

Sóti Lodge invites you to enjoy the Icelandic advent in Fljótin, at the tip of Troll peninsula. We offer a five course Christmas dinner with a french twist, showcasing the best of both worlds. As an added benefit, the ski area at Skarðsdalur will open for guests on December 4th!

For those who wish to explore the advent at the edge of Iceland, we offer a tailor made weekend program – just contact us at info@sotisummits.is and allow us to put together an unforgettable program for you.

We look forward to seeing you – and happy Advent!.

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